A Financial To-Do List When You Move

Moving is one of life’s most stressful events. With the chaos of organizing, packing, and managing logistics, it’s easy to overlook critical financial details. Forgetting to update information or missing essential payments can tighten your budget and create unnecessary challenges. Here’s a financial “to-do” list to ensure you stay on top of your finances during and after your move.

Tips for Moving Your Finances with You

Update Your Banking Information

  • Notify your bank or credit union of your new address, even if you bank online.
  • Provide your updated address to all financial institutions, including credit card providers, mortgage lenders, and auto lenders.
  • Update children’s accounts, such as UTMA or 529 plans, to ensure important communications reach you.

Update Your Insurance Policies

  • Contact your insurance providers to update your address for health, auto, home, and renters’ insurance policies.
  • Notify any companies where you’re listed as a beneficiary to avoid issues with correspondence.

Adjust Billing Information

  • Update your billing and shipping address with online retailers you frequent.
  • Ensure all accounts with automatic billing have your new address to prevent denied payments.

Cancel Local Memberships

  • Cancel recurring charges for services in your old area, such as gym memberships, clubs, or local subscriptions.

Set Up Mail Forwarding

  • Inform the postal service of your new address to forward all mail to your new location.
  • Do this well before your move to prevent sensitive financial documents from going to the wrong address.

Document Moving Expenses

  • Save all receipts related to your move, such as those for transportation, moving trucks, and packing supplies.
  • If relocating for work, check if you qualify for a moving expense deduction.

Transfer or Shut Off Utilities

  • Contact providers for phone, internet, cable, trash pickup, and utilities like electricity, gas, and water.
  • Schedule a shut-off or transfer date and provide your new address for final billing.

Notify Invoice Senders

  • Inform anyone who might send you an invoice of your new address, such as doctors, subscription services, landscapers, or cleaning companies.

Final Thoughts

Moving home requires careful planning and attention to detail. Overlooking financial responsibilities can lead to costly consequences. Use this checklist to stay on top of your finances and avoid unnecessary stress during your move. Keep it handy to refer to throughout the process. By being proactive, you can focus on settling into your new home without financial hiccups.

Money Management | Banking